Amazon Alexa Math Adventure.png

AMAZON ALEXA SKILL | Choose Your Own Math Adventure
Pushing past visuals to design for the next phase of user experience: voice


WHAT IS IT: A "choose your own adventure" style game for the Amazon Alexa platform that utilizes voice commands in an interactive educational story, teaching math skills to ages 5-8. 

PROJECT TERMS: Original design by a two-member UX + Developer team at the official Amazon Alexa hackathon in NYC

MY ROLE: UX Designer; Copywriter


Challenge: Design a voice-only app that users would actually want to interact with 

  • Considering the user scenario: why would someone use a voice app over a visual app?

  • Recognizing a user base with lots of time, intrigue, and excitement for tech: kids.

  • Designing to be engaging and useful.

Content Strategy: Decision tree-style game to engage kids and utilize Alexa's command style

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Final Deliverable: A fully interactive app, available soon in the Amazon "Skills" store